Traditional Gola Rincomatic

Horizontal and Vertical Gola Profile.
Traditional Gola Profile by Rincomatic, also known as Continuous Handle consists of two profiles:
C-shaped and J-shaped which are installed in the kitchen cabinets both in horizontal and vertical position. In horizontal position, the gola profile in J shape is installed in the upper part of the base cabinet and the gola profile in C between drawers so that both upper and lower drawers can be open through the same profile.

+ Upper-side profile

+ Intermediate profile

+ Clip gola

Upper and intermediate profile

Side and intermediate profile

Horizontal assembly

Upper profile

Intermediate profile

Vertical assembly
Side profile
Intermediate profile

Useful for several cabinet side thickness: 19 | 18 | 16 mm
Useful for several cabinet
side thickness: 19 | 18 | 16 mm
side thickness: 19 | 18 | 16 mm
19 mm: Clip

18 mm: Clip + spacer 1 mm

16 mm: Clip + spacer 3 mm

Variety of finishes

Interior angle 90°

Exterior angle 90°

Chanfered corner 90°

Fixing angles 90°

Connector plate

Interior intermediate cap

Exterior intermediate cap

Exterior superior cap